
Spiritual Advocacy

The variety of Spiritual paths and traditions that we observe throughout human culture are a manifestation of wanting to be akin with divinity, celestial and chthonic forces.  That which we wish to access is a universal phenomenon experienced through nuanced and diverse practices. The modern, rational world has desacralized existence and disassociated ourselves from the Spiritual being that is in all of us. Finding ones way back into Numinous experience we confront the mystery of our lives and uncover the unique meaning unfolding in all of us- becoming conscious co-creators.

Wisdom Consulting

Shamanic Counseling

Traveling to the Mundis Imaginalis...

A therapeutic psychospiritual process to translate oneself into an imaginal innerworld that is populated by inner figures, that has laws of its own nature and has an intelligence. Direct encounters with this imaginal world allow the individual to find something deep within themselves that they can profoundly experience, know and own for transformation.

Ancestral Relations

Every individual rises from a complex ecosystem of family, tribe and place and at levels below consciousness we are all affected by common roots in the primeval past and the mysterious central fire of life. Ancestors are a potent access point for wisdom as they blend and connect with the unseen and other . The willingness to skillfully engage with them can become a deep well of companionship, understanding and guidance